Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cynical? Yes I Am

Yesterday, in my endless search through a variety of thrift stores for a computer desk, I saw/heard something that struck me as odd: a man randomly walked up to a kid in the store, said, "Here's a present for you," handed him a quarter, and walked away. What was my first reaction, you may wonder?

Anybody here have Chris Hansen's number?

Minutes went by before I even considered that it was something such as, say, a random act of kindness.

Today, I still feel there is a good chance that guy was trying to get the kid to come with him, but in a more clever manner, making it look as if he was leaving the kid alone and, all the while, waiting for the kid to go after him instead.

Thought at first that it might be the writer in me trying to make some odd scenario out of a perfectly harmless one, like I did that one time when I opened a door into a little Asian girl's face at Tree's Hall at Pitt when going to Tae Kwon Do. Mom was lagging behind her daughter, I apologized, and her mother said, "Thank you." My immediate reaction?

Golly, she sure hates her kid. Thanking me for knocking her daughter in the face with a metal door? Brat or not, that's cruel.

People had to suggest to me that her mother might have been thanking me for my apology to instill in her child the need to apologize in such situations before I even considered it.

At least being cynical allows for some entertaining thoughts.

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